I am a senior protein design scientist at Amgen. Previously, I worked at Novo Nordisk, designing miniproteins and non-canonical peptides for multiple therapy areas using a combination of physics- and machine-learning-based approaches.

Before transitioning from academia, I spent three years (2019-2021) as a postdoctoral scholar at the Andrej Sali laboratory at University of California San Francisco, working on integrative modeling of large protein complexes, drug-pathogen interactions and glucose-insulin dynamics in pancreatic beta cells. I continue to collaborate on nanobody-based therapies with the Rout and Chait labs at Rockefeller University, NYC and the Aitchison lab at Seattle Children’s Center for Global Infectious Disease Research.

I obtained a PhD in Chemical Engineering from University of California Santa Barbara, where I worked with M. Scott Shell and developed variational inference methods for coarse-graining molecular dynamics simulations of fluid phase behavior and protein folding.

I have contributed potentials and post-processing utilities to the molecular dynamics software LAMMPS, and continue to be an open-source developer for the Integrative Modeling Platform.